Back to the grind. Tuesday I went for a ride after work - and I almost died. I took my cross bike because of the weather - which lately has been throwing the chain to the outside for some reason. We were cranking down the outer road hills at about 32 mph - I was pulling - and Michael came around me into the smaller hill. I pushed hard and my chain came flying off. Somehow I got my foot unclipped and kept my balance as I fell forward. Jeff, who was behind me, said it was wild to see. Minor tinkering and I think I fixed the problem. I ebay won my WCS carbon post last week and I am waiting for it to arrive - were the hell is it!
The Wed. night Hub throwdown - aka let's kick Chris in the nut sack until a trickle of blood comes out his eyeballs - did not disappoint. Tons of guys - around thirty I guess. Pace started out fast and kept strong the whole ride. This new guy from out of state was there and I started out with him. He seemed nice and he said he moved here and this was his first throwdown. I told him the ride was kind of aggressive but fun - his response was no big deal. Wrong answer. I do not where he disappeared - but it happened pretty fast. I told him! Average 21.7

Now for those of you who have never ridden this - this is on roads with traffic, stops, hills, and includes warm-up and cool down (not much of either!) I felt great the entire ride and stayed with the ride the entire way. I briefly fell off at the steep hill under the highway, but quickly caught back on. My biggest hurdle has been the steep hill headed West on Conway. I would be so blown-up on that hill that I would be pushed to the back of the pack for Conway and then,being unable to recover, would fall off on Conway. Although I always caught up, I hated falling off and I knew where the problem was. So tonight, as we approached the hill, I was mentally stoked and I cruised up the hill and kept good position. For Conway, I was in the mix and cruised up - Unfortunately I got stuck behind Yo=Yo who can't ride a straight line if someone threatened to cut off his dick - which forced me to work even harder than just hanging on and sitting in (Which is tough to do!) David Mark got on the front and I looked down and my speed said 24 mph - no shit! To pull that speed is studville. Once again, I was happy to hang on. The ride was a success as I finished!
I saw a post from a fellow Hubber on the message board who said they quit doing this ride because it was sketchy - running stop signs, etc. You know - I disagree. The location is not the best, but hey, It's were I live and I don't have to commute or worse, drive, to ride my f'ing bike. The ride is mostly all racers - from studs to suck-asses - and it has the intensity of a competitive ride. I like this attitude. 30 plus riders at 6:00 in the evening is bound to piss off some drivers, and when we go through the stop signs in Kirkwood, we stop and go through as a group, so the fact some people I do not know, get pissed at me because the are 3.8 seconds put out - fuck them - I mean really, fuck them. I could care less - they hated me already.
Judy rode with Team Rev and gave me a full report of their ride. She keeps doing better and better. She rode with Hubbers Stephanie, Kate, and Alice and a few others and had a great time.

Our new uniforms came in and I talked with Ron and bought Judy a Hub racing jersey. She will be stylin' now! Looking forward to century number #1.
The weather is calling for solid rain = I thinking no riding tomorrow after work with Michael and Jeff- 90% chance of t-storms. I'm sad = My dominatrix conscience will not be happy!